Here’s What You Need to Know When You Can’t Pee During Pregnancy

Here’s What You Need to Know When You Can’t Pee During Pregnancy

Urinary retension , also known as urinary retension. During pregnancy, for many women, taking a lot of bathroom trips is the first sign of pregnancy because the urinary system undergoes some major changes. Even though the bladder is not directly involved with the process, pregnancy does have its own effects, resulting in an expanding uterus, which puts pressure on your bladder. The bladder is like a storage tank that collects waste products from urine and helps to clean it out through frequent urination. During pregnancy, the possible pressure on the bladder results in conditions that make women go to the bathroom more often and also result in not being able to pee properly. 

As per Dr. Elsa, Top Specialists in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Dubai, the situation is termed urinary stasis. It is considered an inability to urinate as usual or fully void the bladder. Urinary  stasis, also known as urinary retension or bladder retention, is defined as a situation where you are not able to completely empty your bladder or urinate even when you want to. 

Different forms and common symptoms of urinary retention during pregnancy  

There are two types of urinary retention caused by: 

1. Acute urinary retention: The situation of acute urinary stasis is linked to the feeling or need to urinate badly but cannot go at all. The condition causes a lot of pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen, along with a life-threatening situation. 

Symptoms of acute urinary stasis: The common symptoms include:

  1. Total inability to urinate 

  2. Frequent and intense need to urinate

  3. Feeling of a full bladder 

  4. Swelling in the stomach 

  5. Pain in the stomach

2. Chronic urinary stasis: The situation of chronic urinary  stasis is linked to the inability to release all the urine in the body over a period of time. The situation results in frequent trips, a constant feeling of being not finished, discomfort, and others. 

Symptoms of chronic urinary stasis: The common symptoms include:  

  1. Difficulty urinating 

  2. Frequent urination in a short time period 

  3. Incontinence

  4. Weak stream of urine

  5. Having to strain to urinate 

Major causes of urinary retention during pregnancy 

In general, urinary stasis is caused when something interferes with the signals between the brain and the bladder, some type of physical compression, or sometimes a blockage due to the growing uterus and its pressure. Apart from these, there are several other causes that can lead to urinary stasis during pregnancy. 

  1. Constipation 

  2. Bladder obstruction 

  3. Weak bladder muscles 

  4. Swelling in urethra 

  5. Medication affecting the nervous system 

  6. Pelvic floor issues 

  7. Prostate issues 

How to diagnose urinary retention? 

Every treatment begins with diagnosing the cause, so if you are facing any sort of symptoms related to urinary stasis, then it is advised to meet with a healthcare provider. In general, the diagnosis is made by performing several tests, such as: 

  1. Physical exams

  2. Blood work

  3. Urinalysis 

  4. Imaging test 

  5. Medical history check 

  6. Cystoscopy 

  7. Voiding tests, and more

Is there any risk involved? 

Even though anyone can develop urinary stasis getting diagnosed with urinary stasis is more common in aging people. Some common risk factors involved with the condition are: 

  1. Urinary tract infection 

  2. Weak bladder 

  3. Nerve damage 

  4. Gestational diabetes 

  5. Urinary tract infections 

  6. Preterm delivery 

  7. Prior abortion 

  8. Miscarriage 

urinary stasis during pregnancy is a rare problem that can be painful and inconvenient. But if you are experiencing any sort of symptoms or difficulty urinating, it is advised that you address it right away. With early detection and proper treatment, one can cure urinary stasis during pregnancy. Ignoring the issue or hoping it will disappear after some time can lead to severe complications like miscarriage and others. A doctor from New Concept Clinic, a Women's Pregnancy Center in Dubai can help you diagnose the problem. For further testing and treatment, book an appointment or contact us now.  

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